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Who is the mystery woman speaking in favor of Prithvi’s efforts to locate Veda?

The latest episode of Social by Viu narrates how every clue that Prithvi and gang comes across leads them to a bigger issue than the one they were already dealing with -  finding Veda.

Even as the case is under way - the gang has to decide their priorities - Prithvi and Myra leave to follow a lead which might take them to Kamal, the guy who seemed to know Veda’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, Neelesh and Chand have Chand’s passport verification to tackle: an activity that will expose them to a police verification - a dangerous thing to happen at this point. 

Chaand and Neelesh try to hide any evidence of Kamal’s presence on their terrace from the policeman who has come for passport verification.

Prithvi and Myra share a moment in the car, where it seems like sparks could soon start flying. Upon reaching the location, they come across something they never expected - Kamal’s dead body. They are in a state of shock since they never expected their clues to lead them to a dead body.

Meanwhile, Neelesh comes across a video online of a girl in the same monkey mask that Prithvi had put on to grab the attention of the cops. Confused, he wonders who the girl is and why was she reflecting the sentiments of the CtrlFVeda's social media page? Doubtful about this mystery girl's intentions, the gang sets out to find her. 

Is the girl behind the monkey mask a friend or a foe?
