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Gunjan Pant was 'Ganga daughter'!

Bhojpuri Pant hum has to play the role of several different films now 'is going to be Ganga's Daughter' 'Yes hum now forthcoming film' Ganga daughter Kkdrasl hum hum is to entertain the audience became mermaid (a mermaid) the moment is past roles hum a mermaid in the this film Krishna Audio Mumbai was that started the hum Tayario Book this film build Received Dr. Amit Kumar and director Kumar perplexed.
The hum is Rakesh Mishra main role in the film with pant and first hum and Rakesh Aaagekgunjn eye on the big screen with a role in the film is quite Uttsahit the first hum will be seen as a mermaid Kgunjn has recently completed shooting his Hindi film 'Unknown' power in which Rajpal Yadav come opposite eye of hum.

