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Amruta Fadnavis, Deana Uppal and Sangeeta Reddy to speak up on violence against women

Ms. Deana Uppal will be speaking at the 2018 Women’s Leadership Forum AAPI GHS 2018 Forum along side women achievers and esteemed names such as Maharashtra First Lady Smt. Amruta Fadnavis, Ratna Jain mayor of Kota and Mrs. Sangeeta Reddy. This special session is carried to commemorate and listen to a group of highly successful women from various walks of life discussing there views on how abuse against women can be prevented.
The session will focus on hearing from the panelists about the obstacles women face in business and what does female empowerment mean to each person. The discussion will also cater to the power of culture in current society. With the #metoo movement in full force it is essential that women support each other and unite to contribute in defeating women abuse. Quoting Deana she says , I am honored to be speaking on the subject of women empowerment and violence against women at this prestigious forum. I feel it’s very important that women have a platform like this to be able to gain advice from other strong females and to voice their own concerns. I look forward to sharing my own experiences and hearing the advice from the rest of the respected accomplished women on the panel.
