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Swapnil Joshi loses 15 Kgs for his upcoming film

Swapnil to Sachin was not an easy road, but the determined actor took it on himself to become role ready for his upcoming movie. Swapnil Joshi, who is playing the lead in Me Pan Sachin had to lose 15 kgs for this role.

The part required Swapnil too look fit like a sportsperson. The director Shreyas Jadhav, who had faith in in the actor’s performance was worried about his weight though. However, Swapnil took up the challenge and concentrated on his diet and exercise to get in shape. Shreyas is said to have given a big push to Swapnil in this quest. The actor stayed in Pune and worked on his fitness for over three months. Not just the fitness, but during this period Swapnil also learnt the minute details of the sport.
